According to the work done by Herb Sorensen, he describes the three currencies being spent in your store as money, time and angst.
Most of the research to date has been spent looking at the money being spent, but what happens when we start considering the other currencies of time and angst. There are relatively easy solutions a retailer could execute to address these challenges that wouldn't involve massive changes and cost to the store. To help paint the picture, think about a typical working mom solving tonight's dinner with a quick trip to the grocery store. By putting yourself in her shoes, and better understanding her challenges, what do you think the store could do to reduce time and angst.
It's Tuesday morning, she gets up, turns on the coffee, grabs a shower, gets dressed, gets her kids up, grabs her coffee, makes breakfast, makes the kids lunch, throws in some laundry, gets the kids in the car, drops them at school, heads to the office, works, heads to the gym at lunch, works some more, and heads home. On her way home to pick up her kids she wonders what she will provide her family for supper. She stops at the grocery store to pick up ingredients for a meal to serve her family that evening. She walks around the store frustrated, worried she'll be late to get her kids. She ends up picking up a few things she's made before, and heads on her way to get the kids. Tired, frustrated, and hoping she got everything she needs for tonight's dinner.By understanding this shopper better, the grocery store could have reduced her time and angst and made her into a loyal shopper. Here's how:
1) In the meat aisle have 3-5 pictures and/or displays meals with the recipe cards and the ingredients.
2) In the produce section display a 2 vegetable dishes that take 5 minutes or less to prepare.
3) On an end cap, have a display showing healthy lunches for kids, along with the products
4) Change the meal suggestions and end caps regularly to keep it fresh and informative.
If this mom had this shopping experience, where do you think she would stop next time she needed a quick meal solution for her family?
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